Legal Policy
Month Without Tobacco is a comprehensive national programme of help and support to help people stop smoking and free themselves from all forms of nicotine consumption. It has been developed in close collaboration with health professionals and specialists in tobaccology.
Website manager
Impact Hub Geneva-Lausanne SA
1 rue Fendt,
1201 Genève
Intellectual property of the programme
Since 2022, Month Without Tobacco has been a programme financially supported by the Swiss Tobacco Prevention Fund (TPF ; Fund with no legal autonomy and its own accounts as defined by art. 52 of the Federal Finance Act of October 7, 2005) and coordinated by Impact Hub Geneva. The content of the Month Without Tobacco is developed in close collaboration with Swiss health professionals and experts in tobacco control. The intellectual property and copyright of this program and all its contents belong to theOFSP (Office Fédéral de la Santé Publique, Suisse) by the TPF.
The dissemination, reproduction, transmission (electronically or otherwise), modification, linking or use for public or commercial purposes of the information contained on this website requires the express written consent of theOFSP.
References and links
This website contains links and references to external websites (hyperlinks) for which the author is not responsible. The author hereby expressly declares that at the time of linking no illegal content was identifiable on the pages to be linked. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. It therefore distances itself from the content of linked pages that have been modified since the links were established.