All the tools to help you quit smoking!

Arrêter de fumer des cigarettes
Even without the #MonthWithoutTobacco, you are not alone!

Did you know that? After one month of quitting, you are 5 times more likely to quit smoking for good… And today is the 30th day! BRAVO to all of you! 

Our team would like to tell you today that you are a great source of inspiration for us and your loved ones! Every day you fight to quit smoking. And we take this moment to remind you how brave you are! Well done to you!

Whether your goal has been reached or not, after this first chapter of the #MonthWithoutTobacco, you now have all the keys to your #SmokeFreeLife!

And even though November marks the end of #MonthWithoutTobacco, you are not alone – our partners are there to support you all year round!

1- The Quit Smoking Helpline

One of your best allies in quitting smoking? The Quit Smoking Helpline! One short call to 0848 000 181 and someone will answer you and support you in your efforts!

All year round, from Monday to Friday, from 11 am to 7 pm, the stop-smoking support team is at your disposal and offers you information and in-depth individual interviews in several languages. You can request a free call by filling in their registration form

2- Regional partners and their support services for quitting smoking

You can find them all in the lower section of our home page. Feel free to visit their respective websites to find out more about their services and get extra support to stop smoking. Some of them even have group stop smoking programmes.

On this note, we hope that you will continue on the beautiful path you have started, and we wish you all the best for the future. Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

Our best wishes without smoke,

The Month Without Tobacco team